Global SPC and Ministry of Economy of RA, on 10th December of this year, organised a seminar on “Agreements on Technical Barriers to Trade and Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures” for the staff of RA state bodies. During the seminar participants were introduced to the WTO formation stages, principles and goals, notification requirements and ways, stipulated by the agreement.
The special speaker for the seminar was well known American-Armenian expert, Richard Giragosyan, who presented the report on “The role of WTO in globalization”.

On 25th November Global SPC jointly with Ministry of Economy of RA conducted a seminar on “Agreements on Rules of origin, Safeguards and on implementation of Article VI (Anti-dumping) and VII (Customs valuation) of GATT 1994” for the staff of RA state bodies. A detailed overview on the provision of above mentioned agreements and provided notification requirements was presented at the seminar. The guest of the seminar was analyst of “European stability initiative” Diba Nigar Goksel (Turkey), who spoke about trade promotion and development opportunities between Armenia and Turkey.

On 23th October for the staff of RA state bodies, Global SPC organized a seminar on “General Agreement on Trade in Services and Agreement on Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS)”. During the seminar participants were introduced to the WTO formation stages, principles and goals, core agreements, their terms and stipulated notification requirements. As a special guest was invited the head of Russian software company “Softline”, Armen Karapetyan, who presented the report on “Modern problems and struggle against unlicensed softwares” issues.

Global SPC and Ministry of Economy of RA, on 23th September of this year, organised a seminar on “Agreements on Agriculture” for the staff of RA state bodies. During the seminar participants were introduced to the WTO formation stages, principles and goals, notification requirements and ways, stipulated by the agreement. The special guest of the seminar was well known American-Armenian expert, Richard Giragosyan, who presented the report on “The role of WTO in globalization”.





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